Now I understand why the sequels crashed and burned so hard! We’d seen our beloved characters go through SO much already. They had fought their battles—literal and metaphorical—and they deserved to bask in the glorious fulfillment of their character arcs. Imagine if Harry Potter, after defeating Voldemort and saving the wizarding world, then returned to his sad life in the cupboard under the stairs. What?? Nah, it wouldn’t be right. I can understand what Abrams was trying to do. It just could have been much better. I support reboots 1000%.

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RIGHT! You said it!

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Aug 20, 2022Liked by Adam Sidwell

Ep7 should've been Luke reestablishing the jedi temple and training jedis including Kylo Ren, then showing his betrayal. There could be another story of a new threat to the new republic, ie, the first order. It's not rocket science.

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I’d pay money to see that!

I don’t mind that Luke did that offscreen, because of the words in the initial crawl: Luke Skywalker is missing!

What a cool promise for a storyline. Then it kind of just fell apart.

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Aug 18, 2022Liked by Adam Sidwell

I remember an interesting article on the genesis of LOST, and how Abrams and Lindelof really bonded over how one of them wore a Bantha Tracks shirt to the first writing meeting. There was a deep love for Star Wars in these sequels, but it became paralyzing, and so Abrams retreated to re-telling a story he loved rather than taking a risk on a story that, if it didn't work, might sully something that mattered to him. Ironically, he ended up doing just that. There's a reason why so many folks think The Last Jedi is the best of those three. Like it or not, it goes off in its own direction, and that took guts.

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I didn't know about that Bantha Tracks shirt! It sounds like Abrams has the same paralysis Lucas faced when Lucas was writing Episode I. He wouldn't let anyone see it. He kept working on it, tearing his hair out at every juncture, and they were already in production as he was finishing. He didn't even do the rewrites he wanted. It was just too much.

I agree, I think Abrams played it safe.

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I like your version so much better!! I did not enjoy the sequels.

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RemovedDec 28, 2023Liked by Adam Sidwell
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Yes! I wanted to see that sweet victory so badly.

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